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At Eden School we want all pupils to become confident, articulate and curious learners, regardless of their starting point. We want our students to be able to appreciate and understand the rapidly changing world around them and to become tolerant and responsible members of their local, national and global community. We believe that Science has the potential to develop the knowledge and skills that allow pupils to succeed at these levels, and our Science curriculum is designed in a way to support and nurture our students’ journeys to achieving this.

The Science curriculum is designed to instil pupils with a genuine sense of excitement and curiosity. It is both relevant and engaging, allowing pupils to develop their own ideas and ways of working, through highly memorable learning experiences. To this end, we ensure that pupils develop a practical approach to science, by routinely planning and carrying out laboratory investigations. This approach is supported by wider educational opportunities provided in and out of lessons that embrace local, national and global developments or issues.

We ensure that pupils become confident readers of science. In a world where we are increasingly exposed to scientific facts, it is important that pupils are able to read such information, understand it, and reach well informed conclusions. Therefore, the texts used in lessons, whilst ambitious, are both relevant and motivating, and aim to improve pupils’ understanding of topical science. In further support of this, pupils learn a repertoire of ambitious vocabulary, which supports both their understanding of science and their wider social interactions and understanding.

Science lessons are carefully structured so that pupils follow a logical and progressive curriculum that builds on previous learning. Links to other subjects are reinforced and explored, providing a powerful and meaningful learning experience. Most importantly, gaps in knowledge and understanding are identified and rectified so that pupils have sufficiently strong foundations to further their learning.

We also understand that the study of Science helps to develop a pupil’s ethical values by providing opportunities to discuss the impact that science has on society. Likewise, pupils will develop sensitivity and understanding of how people of different backgrounds may interpret scientific information differently. Such discussions, along with experiences gained outside the classroom are fundamental to the holistic development of our students, and the curriculum is therefore designed to strengthen pupils’ cultural capital.

Eden school’s science curriculum follows the National Curriculum.  At KS4 our pupils study Entry Level Science, GCSE Science  with some pupils choosing Triple. During these studies pupils will further develop their scientific skills and there is a strong focus on using practical work to learn skills of experimental design, skills in handling more advanced equipment, collecting and analysing data and drawing conclusions from evidence and evaluating the validity of findings.

Curriculum Maps

“Eden is a life-transforming school where we provide the best education for young people who have complex social, emotional and mental health needs.”

Sophie Gooding, Headteacher