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Key Stage 2

At Eden School our aim is to provide our children with a rich curriculum that extends opportunity, raises aspirations, and opens children’s eyes to the wider world beyond their immediate environment, enabling our children to live happy, healthy and productive lives. Our curriculum encourages our children to be curious, ambitious, positive, and reflective with their learning, making links to their own lives and encouraging independence. We aim to build resilience and encourage a positive mindset and build confidence as it is often through mistakes that we learn the most.

Our curriculum is focused on the development of children’s knowledge and skills across all primary subjects with the aim of ensuring children are ready for the next stage of their learning. We identify gaps in knowledge, and this informs our planning and interventions, strategically sequencing the children’s learning to build upon prior knowledge and close the gaps within their learning so they are equipped for KS3.

We are a reflective school and continually strive to improve our teaching and learning with daily retrieval practice and this has included a focus on how to improve children’s long-term memory of the knowledge provided in school. Reading is given a high priority in our curriculum; we provide an excellent phonics scheme, ‘Phonics international’ which maturely allows children to build and catch up on their ability to read and write with fluency and confidence across the curriculum. We follow  ‘Accelerated Reader Programme’ which allows our children to access books compatible with their reading ages which are determined through an online assessment, complete online quizzes to check comprehension and track how many words they have read. We believe the development of children’s vocabulary is a vital tool in learning and understanding the full curriculum. We build on children’s social skills through a combination of both play-based learning and more focused teacher-led sessions. children learn to share, work independently, and socialise well with others.

At Eden we are keen to promote diversity and celebrate our differences, promoting respect for all. Through our teaching, learning and behaviour expectations, we give children the knowledge and understanding of how discrimination and prejudiced behaviour is dealt with, including the prevention of bullying.

Our children are well-supported in school with extra support and/or resources deployed where necessary to help close individual learning gaps catered for their individual learning needs.

Assessments are used to identify children’s progress and gaps in their knowledge. These assessments inform the lesson planning and interventions. Assessment is carried out across the curriculum through a variety of quizzes and questioning. Children complete summative assessments termly to show progress in Reading, Writing and Maths.

Our curriculum prepares our children well for their secondary education and has inspired them to find out more about the world around them. At Eden we follow the National Curriculum and strive to enrich the curriculum wherever possible. Our children are taught with each of their individual needs in mind making learning more personalised for each child. A variety of teaching styles are used in school, based on good practice and teachers continually reflect on their teaching. We strive to innovate where appropriate, to maintain high standards and provide the best in primary school practice for our children to reach their highest potential.

Curriculum Map

“Eden is a life-transforming school where we provide the best education for young people who have complex social, emotional and mental health needs.”

Sophie Gooding, Headteacher