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Our daily extra curricular clubs at Eden School offer a wide, rich set of experiences that give pupils’ opportunities to develop their interests and talents. At the end of each school day pupils’ can access various clubs which include:

  • Arts and Crafts Club
  • Basketball Club
  • Music Club
  • British Sign Language Club
  • French Club
  • Football Club
  • Chess Club
  • Science Club
  • Nurture Group

Outdoor Education

Pupils’ at Eden have many opportunities to learn and develop outside of the classroom. During 2021-2022 Eden pupils have participated in the following outdoor educational activities:

  • Forest School
  • Bikeability
  • PGL
  • Kayaking
  • Daily Mile
  • Geography Field Trips

Physical Activity

In addition to our PE curriculum we offer additional physical activities which include:

  • Swimming lessons for all year groups
  • Bikeability
  • Daily Mile
  • Friday Sports – different sport offered to all pupils each week
  • Skateboarding
  • Physical Activity opportunities are also offered daily through our *extra curricular clubs * add link

Events and trips

At Eden School we ensure that we offer numerous, rich experiences that link to each curriculum area. Here is a small selection of recent events:

  • Year 6 are learning about holidays in the Victorian era and have spent the day on a stream train.
  • KS3 have been learning about Judaism and have visited a Synagogue.
  • KS4 have been learning about Islam and have visited a local Mosque.
  • KS4 Btec Food students have studied world food. In class they have made various Tapas dishes and have been out for lunch at a local tapas restaurant where they have seen the dishes being made, have had to speak Spanish and sampled some lovely food.
  • Safer internet day and world book day have recently been celebrated at Eden.

Drop Down Days

The aim of Drop Down Days are to provide additional opportunities for students to develop as rounded individuals. Drop Down Days are in addition to the taught PSHE curriculum and Personal Development  and offer flexible enrichment opportunities that allow us to respond to the needs of our students and build upon the taught curriculum.

In practice this means:

  • There are opportunities for students to develop an awareness of, and respect for, themselves and others throughout our DD days.
  • These enhancement days support the development of positive self-esteem, which will help pupils to cope with the challenges of personal growth.
  • The wide range of activities enable students to be aware of the personal choices they can make and prepares them to make responsible decisions.
  • DD days help students to explore their feelings and emotions and promote confidence in one’s own ability.
  • We also provide chances for students to explore and question their own thoughts and feelings.
  • We give students the opportunity to engage with employers and further education providers to ensure future generations will benefit from quality, meaningful interactions that help them understand the links between courses, skills and the pathways they open up.


At Eden we offer students two assemblies a week. One of these is a themed assembly which links to the guided reading topic and the other addresses behaviours and attitudes.

In addition to this, we invite in many guest speakers who have recently included:

  • Brook Sexual Health Services
  • The Beacon Counselling Trust- Gambling Awareness
  • Exit UK- tackling far right extremism

“Eden is a life-transforming school where we provide the best education for young people who have complex social, emotional and mental health needs.”

Sophie Gooding, Headteacher