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At Eden, our pupils will experience a wide range of texts, taught through our delivery of the English National Curriculum, including Shakespearian texts, Victorian literature and a range of contemporary literature.  We also encourage our pupils to access a wide range of factual reading and non-fiction texts to prepare them for life and the world of work, helping them to form intellectual opinions on a wide range of topics.

Development and explicit teaching of vocabulary is a key element of our intent, which is built into every area of the curriculum.  We aim to close the vocabulary gap by developing mastery of a wide range of ambitious terminology through both reading and writing. Pupils are provided with regular opportunities to develop their extended writing, which will enhance their creativity, and functional writing.

We currently offer AQA English Language and AQA English Literature, as well as a foundation pathway of Entry level English for pupils who are not ready for the demands of
GCSE. Alongside our core curriculum, strong links are maintained with the school library with pupils using this invaluable resource during English lessons and in their own free time.

We create opportunities for pupils to regularly use and develop spoken language through discussions and debates. We also participate in events throughout the year, including
National Poetry Day and World Book Day. Visits to the theatre also help bring texts to life and enriches the English curriculum.

Curriculum Maps

“Eden is a life-transforming school where we provide the best education for young people who have complex social, emotional and mental health needs.”

Sophie Gooding, Headteacher